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India and the Deadly Virus...

Published: NPR, JULY 2018 The Nipah virus scare that shook India in May had all ingredients of an-edge-of-the-seat medical thriller like Outbreak: A country of 1.3 billion people and an encounter with one of the most lethal pathogens of our times.

WHO CARES FOR THE CAREGIVER? WHY CAREGIVERS OF SCHIZOPHRENICS NEED HELP. Published: Mint, April 2018. Caregivers and spouses of schizophrenic patients often go through immense trauma. Here's why regular screening for depression and teaching them techniques to cope with the emotional burden of the disease is critical...

"I'M TRAPPED IN THE PRISON OF MY BODY!" March 2018 The severe, chronic pain of endometriosis March is Endometriosis Awareness Month. About 25 million women in India suffer from the debilitating condition, which is difficult to treat.

CANCER AND THE NIGHT SHIFT, Feb 2018 Study finds link between women working night shifts and cancer. But how significant is the risk? And just how much is one gender affected more than the other?

APPS THAT CAN HELP YOU MANAGE CHRONIC DISEASES... Mint, July 2017 In an era where we often blame technology for alienation and even health problems, there are smartphone apps that can help optimize healthcare, at least in urban areas. These apps can connect you with fitness experts, medical specialists and even patients who suffer the same problems as you do.

FIGHT BAD AIR WITH OMEGA 3. Mint, Nov 2017 A new study reveals that omega 3, found in fish and seeds, can help build resistance against effects of air pollution


VISION QUEST: RESTORING SIGHT WITH INGENUITY IN INDIA. ABP MEDIA, USA. Aug 2017 Aurolab, a sprawling ophthalmic consumables facility run by Aravind in the South Indian city of Madurai, makes eye care more affordable through better technology...


ARE PROTEIN INHIBITORS THE NEXT BIG CHOLESTEROL KILLERS? April 2017 Statins have been the first line of treatment for excessive cholesterol for nearly three decades. Over the last couple of years, however, medical researchers have been testing a new class of drugs to help those patients who do not respond well to statins. Preliminary research of these compounds called PCSK9 inhibitors showed that they reduced cholesterol levels in the body dramatically.

Eye Health Breakthroughs

EYE HEALTH BREAKTHROUGHS Reader's Digest, AUGUST 2016. Recent advances may help adults regain or retain their vision...

ACTIVITIES TO BOOST YOUR BABY'S BRAIN THE SWADDLE, AUG 2015. No computer in existence is as complex as the human brain. Here are some activities that you can do together to help your infant maximize the potential of those early years...

THE CHANGE BEFORE MENOPAUSE. The Swaddle, Feb 2016. Menopause isn’t a sudden cessation, but a gradual process that can begin as early as 40. Just as women’s bodies undergo changes to prepare for menstruation, they also undergo changes to prepare for menopause. Experts call this transitory phase before full menopause ‘perimenopause’ and it begins with an irregular period. But there are other changes too, that may not be as apparent and that you need to be aware of.

MEDICAL CAUSES BEHIND SUICIDE: Mint, April 2016 Insomnia, genetics, even parasitic infestation, can lead to suicidal tendencies. Emotional and medical support can make all the difference

HORTICULTURAL THERAPY CAN HELP KIDS WITH AUTISM. The Swaddle, Dec 2015. Bangalore, with its lush gardens, is the ideal home for horticulture therapy. And it is here that is being used in a novel way. At the ASHA Centre of Autism, children are asked to dig in the soil, fill pots with mud, write or draw on a flower bed, plant seeds, water plants, make patterns from dried leaves, create bouquets and participate in other activities that engage touch, vision and smell.

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